OCTOBER 2, 2023
The Sandhurst Civic Association met at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Meeting was called to order by President Blair Dellebach at 10 am. 40 people were in attendance.
Blair Dellenbach welcomed all those who attended.
Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg and County representative Brantley Moody spoke to the residents and answered many questions.
Treasurer David Osborne presented a financial report and answered questions.
President Blair Dellenbach and Secretary Priscilla Holtzclaw then presented a slide show of activities that occurred this year, including the Springtime Sandhurst event which was successful in bringing residents together.
Election was held for a vacancy in the vice-president position. Joseph Wade was nominated and seconded. There were no other nominations. He was elected unanimously. And welcomed to the Board.
David Osborne presented a detailed power point discussion of two items of interest to the neighborhood, reckless drivers and underground power lines. Many questions were asked and answered.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Priscilla Holtzclaw